Sunday, November 27, 2005

Stitch'nBitch Little Black (purple) Top

not sure if I love it. I guess I like it. I wore it out to a BBQ on the weekend (where it was too cold to even take my jacket off so might as well not have worn it). I was concerned about wearing it. I felt like it might disintegrate or something. Because I made it I guess. Also don't really like idea of wearing it as if I have to wash it again I have to go through the hell of laying it flat and being careful not to stretch it. It will probably come out a completly new shape after a wash and the buttons might need moving again.

The front.

The back, which did not work as it should (with an opening and one button) but was a big gaping mess so I had to cross the opening across to the opposite sides and add a seconf button.

Wednesday, November 23, 2005

Stitch'nBitch Little Black Top

I bought the cotton for this from webs ages ago. purple, not black. I get harassed so much about my wearing of black. it's blocking now. I went spare on the ends. but then this site made me feel a bit better about it being an imperfect thing.

I have never knitted a top I actually like even though I have knitted many. I hope this is the first I actually love to wear.

And, p2togtbl (website address) is purl two together through the back loop. It drove me mad on this top. It's a left leaning decrease and it matches against k2tog (knit two together). and until I discovered it the armhole decreases looked crap. I had to rip it back twice to get it right. the neckline got ripped twice too and I still think it will look crap but I decided it was enough.



Monday, November 21, 2005

Last Minute Knitted Gifts

I love this book and have knitted more from it than anything. I didn't expect to like the final outcomes so much. Most of my knitting (except for scarves) highly disappoints me. I have been to Purl (author's shop in manhattan) when I was in the US. A very cute shop. I think I bought koigu (which I knitted socks I don't overly love out of) and noro(which I have no idea what to make out of as it's really too scratchy to wear). I didn't stay long as my husband was waiting outside. It had more of the feel that I wish knitting shops in New Zealand had but I also felt a bit intimidated in it.

baby denims

tea cosy


Sunday, November 20, 2005