Monday, November 21, 2005

Last Minute Knitted Gifts

I love this book and have knitted more from it than anything. I didn't expect to like the final outcomes so much. Most of my knitting (except for scarves) highly disappoints me. I have been to Purl (author's shop in manhattan) when I was in the US. A very cute shop. I think I bought koigu (which I knitted socks I don't overly love out of) and noro(which I have no idea what to make out of as it's really too scratchy to wear). I didn't stay long as my husband was waiting outside. It had more of the feel that I wish knitting shops in New Zealand had but I also felt a bit intimidated in it.

baby denims

tea cosy


1 comment:

Kazzer said...

mmm I suspect I've seen you wearing the teacosy.
Nice Blog.