Thursday, December 21, 2006

trying to get him onto books early... and checking out the pointless inner city bypass

Monday, December 11, 2006

The Leopard gets slammed.

At Plunket on Thursday we had to prove that tummy time was going well. He held his head up for ages so we looked like we had done a good job. He will be rolling over next she said to me. I took him home and put him on his tummy a bit later and he promptly rolled onto his back for the first time. It was pretty funny as it was not a gentle roll but more of a flinging his head sideways. He did it twice after that but not once since, so his Dad has not seen his new clever trick.

Friday, December 08, 2006

Wednesday, December 06, 2006

LJ's first toy.
he is still learning to grab things and sometimes manages it but he will hold on and fling piggy about (and shove it in his mouth to slobber on) if we put it in his hand.
He is getting quite good at holding his head up now too. Makes lots of grumpy upset noises when on his tummy. My mum 'freaks out' that he is upset but I think it's just him trying so hard to lift his head. He makes cute noises too in between the upset ones. I finally got a brain and remembered we have a video camera and recorded him doing this the other day. It's very cool to see the learning and changing going on for him. Some people I talk to are sad about their babies growing up but I am finding it really wonderful to see him growing and changing every day.